

Express Wash Soft-Mount Washers
20 ,30, 40, 60, 80 AND 90-POUND CAPACITIES
The ExpressWash high-performance coin operated washer is designed to cut gas, water and electrical costs while improving the user's experience. ExpressWash commercial coin operated washers deliver high-speed extract, a unique freestanding design and superior programmability! ExpressWash card and coin operated washers ensure customers' a 60-minute wash and dry!
Product Brochure | Warranty
Product Specs: EH020 | EH030 | EH040 | EH060 | EH080 | EH090

G-Flex Hard-Mount Washers
33-, 40-, 55- AND 70-POUND CAPACITIES
G-Flex Series Washer-Extractors – Continental's most advanced hard-mount washers – generate extract speeds reaching 200 G-force, offer a highly programmable ProfitPlus™ Control packed with customer-craved extras, and deliver superior results using less water and energy.
Product Brochure | Warranty
Product Specs: RMG033 | RMG040 | RMG055 | RMG070
REM-Series Hard-Mount Washers
REM-Series coin operated washers combine energy-efficiency with a space-saving hard-mount design. Engineered with exclusive features, durability and the ultimate in programmability, REM-Series commercial coin operated washers deliver a solid return on your investment.
Product Specs: REM025

Econ-O Light Duty is a brand offering washers and dryers for vended and on-premise laundries. Bringing efficiency and ease-of-use to its customers, Econ-O equipment is affordable and simple to install
Product Brochure | Warranty
Product Specs: KWN
LG Commercial Washers
LG commercial washers are perfectly suited for apartment complexes, college dormitories and other multi-housing applications. Not only are they simple to operate, quiet and efficient, LG Washers feature auto-balancing and inverter-drive systems for smooth, efficient and reliable operation. Designed to withstand the rigors of constant use, the LG Commercial Washer is built for the most extreme environments, including common area laundry rooms. LG commercial washers deliver a quality wash using less energy and water.